Yes, ladies this article is for you!! Since childbirth, do you suffer with urinary incontinence or leaking issues, a diastasis or separation in the middle of the abdominal muscles, low back or pelvic pain, a prolapse “down there”, stuck scar tissue from having a caesarian, a flabby tummy, a weak core? Pregnancy and childbirth may be one of the most exciting times in a woman’s life, but it can come with issues that many women aren’t comfortable discussing, even with their Dr’s. Please know you are not on your own even though it can very much feel that way.

I am a physical therapist and have worked in Europe, New Zealand and Australia where postpartum care is encouraged after each and every birth. The government there pays for rehabilitation and physical therapy to help all of these issues. They don’t wait months or years to address the problem and women get help either within the first few days or up to 6 weeks or more, after childbirth depending on what problems are being addressed. Women there are helped to feel and look better and to potentially prevent complications years later. In the US there is great care during pregnancy and childbirth, but after childbirth, moms have to be more proactive with their own health.

I would like to stress that you do not have to put up with these issues and often physical therapy can help greatly. There are times when more serious intervention may be needed or a visit to a pelvic floor specialist (yes they are out there!) might be indicated.
My approach as a functional manual therapist is to take a holistic view of the body. I have also had specialized training in women’s health issues. Treatment may involve hands on therapy to perform mechanical adjustments to the pelvic region, and may include soft tissue work to improve function in the abdominal wall and pelvic floor muscles, as well as visceral manipulation. This will help the organs to regain their normal position and to move and function normally within the pelvic and abdominal cavities. Functional manual therapy to the pelvic bones and spine may be needed to regain normal mobility and alignment. This is especially important because the hormone relaxin is released during pregnancy and allows the pelvis to open during childbirth. Restoring alignment will facilitate proper healing of the pelvis, pelvic floor, and perineum as well as recalibrate the nervous system.
Appropriate exercises are also given to help the initiation, strength and endurance of the core muscles especially the pelvic floor muscles, the diaphragm and the deep abdominal muscles. Relaxation techniques might also be appropriate. Postural education is also important to restore efficient alignment and function.
So what exactly is the pelvic floor?
The pelvic floor consists of 2 layers of muscles that sit at the base of the pelvis, creating an actual floor that supports and holds up the organs of the lower pelvis (uterus, rectum and bladder). Along with other core muscles, they stabilize the trunk and create normal pressure within the abdomen. There are also muscles here that assist with control of bowel, bladder and sexual function.
It is an area that a lot of us may choose to ignore but as a physical therapist I am very much a proponent of restoring normal health in this area. It is also an area where we often hold a lot of tension and at times a lot of emotions. During pregnancy, these muscles get stretched with the weight of the baby and then during childbirth they get stretched and sometimes torn or cut. Normal function in this area can then be compromised. Usually the problems resolve but not always which is where physical therapy can help.
Ladies, if you are having any of the problems I discussed, you don’t have to put up with it. Please get the help you need, because you are definitely worth it. (And please bring your beautiful baby along too!)

For further information go to or to schedule an appointment please contact Alison Palmer at Alison Palmer Physical Therapy and Wellness Center 728 1135. We are located in the Cimarron Lodge at the bottom of lift 7. Wellness is the full integration of mind, body and spirit. We look forward to helping you towards a healthier life.